Saturday, 4 January 2014

Small Charities Week 16-21st June 2014

Please Support Algernon Trust During Small Charity Week 2014

16-21 June 2014

A local animal rescue & rehoming Sanctuary, the Algernon Trust in Whittlebury near Towcester, is appealing for people to support their work during Small Charity Week 2014.

The Animal Sanctuary was set up over twenty years ago when the founder Jane Shepherd moved to Whittlebury near Towcester. In 1991 Jane arrived with just five feral cats, one fox and one rabbit. Today there are usually at least sixty cats, twelve dogs, plus foxes and assorted poultry in the Trusts care.  Jane also provides a wildlife rescue service 24hours a day 52 weeks a year. The Trust re-homes cats and dogs where possible but many of the cats Jane takes in are sick and/or elderly who need to remain at the Sanctuary for the rest of their days. Currently there are over thirty residents. The Trust has become as much a hospice and retirement home for cats as a re-homing centre, and caring for sick and elderly feline friends puts an enormous strain on the Trusts finances.  Animals are taken in from a wide area not just from Northampton shire and adjacent counties but from all over the country.  The Trust has a strict “no kill” policy and Jane has no age restriction and has taken in cats over 20 years old.  All animals are neutered and micro chipped before being rehomed.

There are many different ways that people can support The Algernon Trust, all detailed on their blog post  It is hoped that awareness of their work can be raised during the week as well as much needed funds being raised.

Small Charity Week celebrates and raises awareness of the essential work of the UK’s small charity sector who make an invaluable contribution to the lives of millions of individuals, communities and causes across the UK and the rest of the world.

Small Charity Week is brought to you by the Foundation for Social Improvement (FSI), who with the support of partner organisations ensure the work of small charities is recognised and celebrated.

If anyone is interested in putting on a fundraising or awareness raising event for Algernon Trust during Small Charity Week, please do let them know so that they can submit the details to the FSI - maybe you could hold a collection in your workplace, a coffee morning or hold a sponsored event – perhaps ask your local school, pub, shop or your workplace to hold an event or simple collection - remember that you can set up a page on to fundraise online to support events!  

  •  Monday 16th June we will be holding Algernon Trust Awareness Raising Day!

As part of Small Charity Week 2014 - The Algernon Trust is asking you to raise awareness of their work by emailing all their friends, family & colleagues to help raise awareness of our work

The Algernon Trust relies on the support of the public and would not be able to continue without this help

We are asking people to please support us on Awarenss Raising Day by telling as many people as possible about us & the ways that we need support as detailed on our blog post

  • We will  be holding volunteer open sessions on  Volunteer Day, Thursday 19th June at 6pm and also on Saturday 21st June at 10:30am. 

  • On Friday 20th June as part of Fundraising Day, we are asking you to hold a collection in your workplace or place of education!

The Algernon Trust receives no funding & relies on donations, membership & fundraising events to be able to continue our work.

  • On Sunday 22nd June, Penny Alexander will kindly be hosting an Open Gardens event at her home in Newnham, people can come along to find out more about our work & to help raise vital funds

We are asking people to please support us on Fundraising Day by holding collections wherever you may be!

Anyone able to support the Algernon Trust for small charities week is asked to please email details to

Events are also being registered on The Algernon Trust Facebook page at

We have a general fundraising page at or people are able to register their own if they prefer

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