Molly |
Nell |
Zumba |
Girls Nell & Molly and boys Zumba & Ziggy were born 1 June, they have lived with kids 5-11yrs and are living with oplder cats & dogs in their foster home. Will be microchipped, flead and wormed. Single kittens can not go to home where they are left for more than 4 hours. They are lucky enough to be staying in a foster home in Daventry. Adoption subject to home check, adoption fee and agreement to neuter at 5 months.
Charlie |
3 Year old Charlie is looking for a new home, his previous owner moved & was unable to take him.. He is very friendly & currently staying at the Sanctuary. Adoption subject to homecheck and adoption fee
Bolt & Nut |
Bolt & Nut were found scared & abandoned with their mother. They are thought to be around 8-10 weeks and are so timid that we havent yet been able to establish their sex. They are lucky enough to be staying in a foster home in Daventry where their confidence is growing, they will ideally be suited to a home on a farm or stable rather than a family home. Adoption subject to homecheck & adoption fee
Jasmine & Chloe |
Jasmine & Chloe are 10 & 11 years old. They would like to stay together. Adoption subject to homecheck & adoption fee
Hetty |
Hetty |
Hetty (Wainthropp) is not very happy at the sanctuary and keeps herself to herself. Seems very sweet and just needs a calm environment to bring her out of her shell and have some attention. Adoption subject to homecheck and adoption fee.
Jumo, Sari & Pasha |
Jumo (male), Sari & Pasha (both females), born 23rd July 2013. Will be microchipped, flead and wormed. Single kittens can not go to home where they are left for more than 4 hours. Jumo, Sari & Pasha are lucky enough to be staying in a foster home in Daventry. Adoption subject to home check, adoption fee and agreement to neuter at 5 months
Giggs & Eric |
Giggs & Eric are both 3 year old black and white females (owners are football fans!) in desperate need of a new home. They are very affectionate loving cats. They are reluctantly having to be re-homed as their owners moved from a house to a narrow boat and both cats have since fallen into the water three times each. Luckily the owners were there, heard them fall in and were able to get them out,but they are terrified that they may not be so fortunate next time. Both cats are neutered, chipped and vaccinated. Both cats need to be re-homed together. If you can offer them a safe home, please call Sarah (Algernon Trustee) on 01327 341826 and she will put you in touch with the owners. Adoption subject to homecheck and adoption fee.
Diva |
Diva, black & white female, Born early June
She will be microchipped, flead and wormed. Single kittens can not go to home where they are left for more than 4 hours. Diva is lucky enough to be staying in a foster home in Daventry. Adoption subject to home check, adoption fee and agreement to neuter at 5 months
Ebony |
Ebony, black male. Born early June. Will be microchipped, flead and wormed. Single kittens can not go to home where they are left for more than 4 hours. Ebony is lucky enough to be staying in a foster home in Daventry. Adoption subject to home check, adoption fee and agreement to neuter at 5 months.
Inca |
Inca, black female.Born early June . Will be microchipped, flead and wormed. Single kittens can not go to home where they are left for more than 4 hours. Inca is lucky enough to be staying in a foster home in Daventry. Adoption subject to home check, adoption fee and agreement to neuter at 5 months.
Dolly |
Dolly is very pretty and full of beans, very playful & boisterous. Can get a bit carried away out of enthusiasm and attention seeking rather than any sort of aggression. As soon as you open the door she is there looking for attention. Tends to keep away from the main group of cats and tucks her self away but doesn't necessarily dislike other cats- I think she's just found her spot. Not suitable to live with young children. Adoption subject to homecheck and adoption fee.
Nora |
Nora is very sweet and loves a cuddle. Not shy in coming forward for a fuss and seems happy around the other cats. Her and Pippa make quite a pretty pair! Adoption subject to homecheck and adoption fee.
Everdon |
Everdon is a tabby boy. Believed to be 6/7years. Came in as a stray 1st Dec 2012 He is very loving although does tend to ‘pad’ somewhat. Will cope with a very quiet dog but does not seem that keen on other cats. He is lucky enough to be staying with a foster carer in Daventry. Adoption subject to homecheck & adoption fee.
Biscuit |
Biscuit |
Biscuit came to us after her owner died and there was no family to take her. She would appreciate a calm home environment if anyone is able to offer her a foster home whilst she finds his forever home. She is currently at the Sanctuary. Adoption subject to homecheck & adoption fee.
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