Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Dog Theft Prevention

With the rise in dog thefts, here are some tips for keeping your dog safe:

Don't leave your dog tied up outside a shop. You will make them a vulnerable and tempting target for opportunist thieves. 
• Don’t leave your dog alone in the car, even for a few minutes. Thieves can easily break into your car. 
• Make sure your dog is microchipped and that you keep your contact details up-to-date, especially if you move house or change your telephone number.
• Your dog should always wear a collar and ID tag with your name and address on it. This is a legal requirement when your dog is in a public place. Avoid putting your dog’s name on the disc.
• Take clear photographs of your dog from various angles, and update them regularly. Make a note of any distinguishing features.
• Have lots of photographs of yourself with your dog, to help you to prove ownership if needed.
• Train your dog to come back when called, and never let him off the lead if you are not sure he will come back to you. If in doubt, use an extending lead, especially if you are in an unfamiliar area where your dog may get lost more easily.
• Beware of strangers asking you questions about your dog.
• Vary your times of walks and routes; some dogs are actually targeted and snatched during walks.
• At home, make sure your garden is secure and fit a bell to the gate so you hear if anyone opens it.
• Keep your dog in view in the garden, don’t just leave him outside unsupervised.

Sunday, 17 February 2013

Latest News & New Arrivals!

Chip & Max have both arrived into the care of the Sanctuary this week and are looking for new homes.  Rosa & Lula are now ready to find their forever homes

Chip - Looking for a home

Chip is looking for a new home, he is 10 months old, vaccinated and will be neutered before adoption; good with dogs (lives with two small dogs) but no idea how he would be with cats. Good with kids. Owner pregnant and can't cope with bouncy Chip! Adoption subject to home check & adoption fee.

Max - Looking for a home

Max is a just one year old, lovely, gentle staffie cross boxer. He has been neutered, vaccinated and wormed and will be microchipped shortly. He has lived with children, babies and toddler and also house rabbits! He needs to find a home or foster placement as soon as possible through no fault of his own! Max is lucky enough to be living in a foster home in Leicestershire. Adoption subject to home check and adoption fee.

Rosa - Looking for a home
Rosa is good with people she knows and is very friendly! She's a Patterdale, about 12 - 18 months, she would prefer to be the only dog as she does get jealous! Adoption subject to homecheck & adoption fee.

Lula - Looking for a home
Lula is a Jack Russell, she is approx 18 months old, gets on well with other dogs, we don't yet know how she is with cats. Adoption subject to homecheck & adoption fee

Meg has also arrived after being rescued from a crack den in Luton, she is considerably underweight so will be staying in foster care only for now. We also have many cats looking for forever homes at the Sanctuary. 


The arrival of an extra large crate that we added to our Amazon wishlist, allowed us to put Coffey into a temporary home for a few days this week.  The Amazon wishlist allows our supporters to buy items that we need & have them delivered directly to our door!

Nominations are still open for The Petplan & ADCH Animal Charity Awards 

The Algernon Trust is one of the three Community Matters Charities this month in Waitrose Buckingham! 

Please join our facebook page and group & follow us on twitter

Ruby - Re-homed

Princess - Re-homed

Jasper - Rehomed

Ruby, Princess & Jasper have gone on trial to prospective forever homes, 

Saturday, 9 February 2013

Appeal for Volunteers

Algernon Trust Appeals For Volunteers

A local animal rescue & rehoming Sanctuary, the Algernon Trust in Whittlebury near Towcester, is appealing for people to help them, either by sparing a few hours each week to help care for the animals at the Sanctuary or to become foster carers.

The Animal Sanctuary was set up over twenty years ago when the founder Jane Shepherd moved to Whittlebury near Towcester. For the first eleven years it was a purely private enterprise paid for entirely out of her own pocket.

As the Sanctuary grew over the years, and having exhausted all of her personal finances, the Algernon Trust was established in 2001 as a non-profit organisation in order to raise funds to keep the shelter going. In 1991 Jane arrived with just five feral cats, one fox and one rabbit. Today there are usually at least sixty cats, twelve dogs, plus foxes and assorted poultry in the Trusts care.  Jane also provides a wildlife rescue service 24hours a day 52 weeks a year.

The Trust re-homes cats and dogs where possible but many of the cats Jane takes in are sick and/or elderly who need to remain at the Sanctuary for the rest of their days. Currently there are over thirty residents. The Trust has become as much a hospice and retirement home for cats as a re-homing centre, and caring for sick and elderly feline friends puts an enormous strain on the Trusts finances.

Animals are taken in from a wide area not just from Northampton shire and adjacent counties but from all over the country.  The Trust has a strict “no kill” policy and Jane has no age restriction and has taken in cats over 20 years old.  All animals are neutered or spayed and micro chipped before being rehomed.

The Trust only has 4 kennels, all donated, plus the old ferret pen for emergencies.  Foster homes are relied on to provide temporary care for dogs awaiting a forever home, however often it is necessary to keep dogs at private boarding kennels to ensure they are not put to sleep when the Sanctuary is full.  The kennels are paid for by the Trust.  Foster carers make a huge difference, not only does this reduce the cost of boarding kennels but it enables the dogs to live in a home environment until such time that they find their forever homes, foster carers provide love and food for the dogs and the Trust provides support and also covers vets bills.

Jane relies on volunteers to help at the sanctuary with feeding and cleaning out all the animals and dog walking.  Rachel is one such volunteer and this is her experience of volunteering:

“Volunteering at the Algernon Trust began, for me, in summer 2012. I met Jane while she was boarding some of her dogs at the kennels where I work at and was immediately drawn by her passion and commitment to the cause. Viewing the Trust website, I looked at all the other dogs & cats needing homes but also the animals that had already been rescued & homed by her and was very impressed at the amount of good work she had managed to do as a standalone, small rescue.
While at work, I became very attached to one of Algernon’s rescue dogs and soon took to walking him on my lunch breaks, taking him out on my days off and progressing with his training. The joy this bought me, and to then see him go to a loving home, made me determined to do all I could to help other animals in his situation.

Unfortunately, due to tenancy, I am unable to have a pet of my own so volunteering with Algernon has given me a great alternative way of spending time with the dogs, enjoying walks and adding (in a small but important way!) to their welfare.

Volunteering has also been extremely rewarding to me in terms of seeing how a dog can progress from a timid, abused rescue case in to a happy and confident family pet, not only enriching the animal’s life but also that of the new family who have been kind enough to adopt a new pet.

I have also met, and made friends with, many like minded animal lovers at the Sanctuary which has been very helpful for me for two reasons. Firstly, it has given me the opportunity to get more involved in work others do for Algernon by joining online networks for all sorts of animal related advice, home checking and transport runs. This gives me lots of options for ways in which to help, not only can I help out on a practical level by walking and cleaning the dogs but also can find contacts, gather advice and share details with others from home on days I cannot get to the Sanctuary in person. Secondly, I was quite a shy, quiet person and found it hard to meet to new people but it was so easy when you realise everyone has one common goal, to help the animals!

I would encourage anyone with some spare time and empathy for rescued and abused animal to get involved and do some volunteer work. It really is so rewarding and I am privileged to be part of the Algernon Trust!”

Anyone interested in becoming a volunteer or foster carer can contact Jane on 01327 858238 

Cat Currently Looking for Homes

To find out more about any of the cats, or to arrange to meet them or any of the many other cats at the Sanctuary looking for homes, please call Jane on 07977 555238

Obo, is black & 7mths old. Found dumped outside vets with other cats. All had dreadful flu and very thin, now back to full health. Very loving they never stop purring. Obo would like to be homed with another young cat & is lucky enough to be living with a fosterer in Daventry. Adoption subject to homecheck & adoption fee.

Queenie is pure white, 18-24 mths. Was found dumped outside vets together with Flute & Obo. All had dreadful flu and very thin. She is a bit aloof but very playful and beautiful. She is lucky enough to be staying with a foster carer in Daventry. Adoption subject to homecheck & adoption fee.

Everdon is a tabby boy. Believed to be 6/7years. Came in as a stray 1st Dec 2012 He is very loving although does tend to ‘pad’ somewhat. Will cope with a very quiet dog but does not seem that keen on other cats. He is lucky enough to be staying with a foster carer in Daventry. Adoption subject to homecheck & adoption fee.

Domino is a 4 yr old spayed female, friendly but not in your face. Fine with other cats, she is staying at the Sanctuary & looking for a forever home. Adoption subject to homecheck & adoption fee.

Ways to Donate


Donations can be sent via

Donations can be sent by paypal to - please select the gift option

Financial donations don't have to be large amounts, every little helps, lots of members send small regular amounts & these really help the work of the trust, Regular standing orders for £1 or £2 are very much appreciated and can be sent to The Algernon Trust Bank; Sort Code: 40-35-04; Account No: 02701081

Algernon Trust is listed on as a Charity. All you need to do is register, select Algernon Trust as your chosen charity and shop through web page and the donation automatically gets sent. Its as easy as that!


Please can you spare between 50p - £2 per week to help JJ until he finds a home?
Sponsors needed to help fund JJ's kennels please! JJ is a young American Bulldog who needs an experienced home where he can receive the training he needs. JJ has been in private boarding kennels since July, as he is too strong for many of the volunteers at the Sanctuary. Due to his lack of training a suitable home is proving hard to find & with exhausted funds the Trust is falling behind with the payments for JJ. FOR JUST 50P PER WEEK YOU CAN SPONSOR 15 MINS ON THE CLOCK FOR JJ’s KEEP, EITHER AS AN INDIVIDUAL OR A BUSINESS! £2 PER WEEK COVERS HIS FEES FOR A FULL HOUR or you can send a one off donation to help clear the bill!

The Algernon Trust Rescue & Rehoming Sanctuary in Whittlebury near Towcester was set up over twenty years ago when Jane Shepherd moved to Whittlebury near Towcester.  In 2001, the Algernon Trust was established as a non-profit organisation in order to raise funds to keep the shelter going. In 1991 Jane arrived with just five feral cats, one fox and one rabbit. Today there are usually at least sixty cats, twelve dogs, plus foxes and assorted poultry in the Trusts care.  Jane also provides a wildlife rescue service 24 hours a day 52 weeks a year.  The Trust has to fund supplies for the day to day needs of the animals in its care along with vets bills & kennel costs as they arise and has to rely on membership and donations to continue its work and Jane also fundraises through street collections, stalls at fetes and by giving talks.

JJ is looking for a foster home or permanent home. He is a stunning dog. He loves nothing more than to receive constant fuss and affection, however, he is very strong and can sometimes be overwhelming in his search for love! He needs a home experienced with large breeds. He is either an American Bulldog x or a Boxer x Staffie and is probably just about 18 months old. He's had no training and has been saved from being put to sleep at a pound after being found as a stray. He is a lovely, cuddly marshmallow of a dog but must go to a home where he will receive the training and socialisation he needs. He does learn fast and is very eager to please. He must not be homed with another dog and is unlikely to tolerate cats, he is far too boisterous to be around children at the moment but this could of course change if the effort was put in to him. He pulls like a train and is very strong but such an amiable chap. He has been chipped, castrated and fully vaccinated. JJ will make a fantastic dog if there is anyone who can guide him in the right directon. JJ is currently staying in boarding kennels paid for by the Trust, who desperately need help funding JJ’s kennel costs.

If you are able to help & would like to sponsor time on the clock, all you need to do is set up a weekly standing order from your bank for 50p for 15 minutes or £2 for an hour to Co-op Bank: Sapphire Business Services Client A/c: 08-92-50: 68389569 with the reference - JJ.  Then please email to let her know what name you would like promoted as the sponsor (either individual or business name).  If you wish to send a one off donation then this can be sent to the same bank – please note that no administrative charges will be deducted & all sponsorships & donations received will be used for JJ’s kennel costs

Italian Street Dog

We need help to get this beautiful street dog from Northern Italy to England. Since this photo was taken her weight has dropped to 20 kilos. A friend of Janes in Italy has asked for help saving this girl and we are trying to arrange transport from Rome. She is an escapologist so we're looking into secure animal transport companies who go to Italy and are awaiting quotes. We need funds to cover this and her vaccinations (she has already been spayed). Please help if you can.

Donations will be very much appreciated and can be sent to The Algernon Trust Bank; Sort Code: 40-35-04; Account No: 02701081 or by paypal - please select the gift option & quote Dolce

The English lady in Italy who is helping Jane's friend rescue the street dog was walking her dogs, she came across a box making noises and inside found 4 tiny puppies. Whisked them off to the vet. They are about 6/7 weeeks old-look, all females as whoever dumped them has probably taken the males. The vet has advised that they will have to go to the pound in Italy where they would certainly die! The vet has said that if we will take the puppies with Dolce, the street dog they will make no charge for vaccinating them & preparing their pet passports and the lady who found them will foster them until they are ready to travel. T

 The appeal now includes saving the four pups abandoned in a box Donations will be very much appreciated and can be sent to The Algernon Trust Bank; Sort Code: 40-35-04; Account No: 02701081 or by paypal - please select the gift option & quote Dolce

Dogs Currently Looking for Homes

To find out more about any of the dogs or to arrange to meet them, please call Jane on 07977 555238

Tia is around 18 months old, a beautiful crossbreed. She is a lovely girl & is good with older children as well as other dogs She is lucky enough to be staying with a foster carer in Daventry. Adoption subject to homecheck & adoption fee.

Hi, I am Marley & I am just a baby at nearly one year old. I was saved from being PTS in the pound & would really like to come & live with a family that I can grow up with. If you think that you would like me to live with your family, please let Jane know! Marley is currently at the santuary. Adoption subject to homecheck & adoption fee

Ruby Was saved from being PTS a while back, she is now looking for her FOREVER HOME. Shes 4 years old and isnt brilliant with other dogs or cats, but she is fab with children and has been in a foster home with a child. If u can offer Ruby a forever home please contact Jane. Ruby is lucky enough to be staying in a foster home in Daventry. Adoption subject to homecheck & adoption fee.

Sweet Dolly is about 18 months/two yrs old; spayed, vaccinated, chipped. Lovely affectionate Staffie x, seems fine with other dogs but not trusted with cats. Nothing is known about her former life. She is lucky enough to be staying in a foster home in Luton. Adoption subject to homecheck & adoption fee. 

Princess is aprox 12 months old, shes a Jack Russell Cross. Shes a lovely girl, gets on well with other dogs, shes a little bit bigger than an average JRT, Currently staying with a foster carer in Leicestershire. Adoption subject to homecheck & adoption fee. 

JASPER is a Jack Russell x collie. He is very outgoing, great with other dogs and loves people, approx 1-2 years 1-2yrs old. Adoption subject to homecheck & adoption fee

This is 11month old Myla, a Jack Russ cross Fox Terrier. She's looking for a forever home by the end of February. Very good with other dogs and children, she hasn’t had much contact with cats. Very happy and energetic, is very friendly. Adoption subject to homecheck & adoption fee

Coffey is a beautiful 17month old German Shepherd. She has just arrived at the sanctuary today, very nervous so will be looking for an experienced home, she is ok with other male dogs but not female or cats, she can be homed with older children only. She will be ready for a forever home once spayed & we are looking to get her into a foster home urgently

Bronson here, I am 5 years old and I love to play. I like older children but I can't live with smaller children, I don't really like young dogs either, or cats or other furry things. Honestly, I would prefer to live in a family of my own, as an only dog as I am very loving and like to have a lot of one to one time but I maybe could share my family with a female of a larger breed. If you think I would fit well in your family or even if I could come stay with you until I find my forever home then please let Jane know. Bronson is currently at the santuary. Adoption subject to homecheck & adoption fee.

Jessie is a lovely female crossbreed, aged 2. The marks on her face are thought to be scalds that were inflicted on her before she was rescued. She will be best suited as the only dog in a home and is very affectionate and will be easily trained. She is currently at the santuary. Adoption subject to homecheck & adoption fee.

JJ - JJ is a young softy. He loves nothing more than to receive constant fuss and affection. However, he is very strong and can sometimes be overwhelming in his search for love! He needs an experienced home who can further his training but he does learn fast and is very eager to please. We dont think he would get on with cats and he is too boisterous to be around children at the moment but this could change if the effort was put in to him. He can be a bit unpredictable with dogs, liking some but being aggressive towards others however this may be due to the many upheavals he has suffered (he was given to the police as a stay, then moved to kennels and then to another kennels for a longer stay). JJ will make a fantastic dog if there is anyone who can guide him in the right directon. JJ is currently staying in boarding kennels paid for by the trust - a sponsorship scheme is available for those wanting to help with the cost. Adoption subject to homecheck & adoption fee

Benji - lovely rotti crosss (with lab or collie), Benji is 3 years old. Very obedient, walks perfectly on a lead, loves playing fetch. Saved form being put to sleep he has a good attitude towards other dogs and has previously lived with children and a baby, although he is a large dog so we would reccomend only confident children. He has been in kennels for a long long time and a bit of time in a home environment would do him wonders. Benji is in kennels currently. Adoption subject to homecheck & adoption fee

Holly has just arrrived at the Sanctuary, she is a German Shepherd & just 14 months old, She came to us after her owner had to move in with an elderly relative, she is very friendly and now she is at the Sanctuary we will be able to establish how she is with other dogs & cats . She will be ready for a forever home once spayed & we are looking to get her into a foster home urgently